Hello, I am Dr.Q,
the virtual computational engineer!

I can perform technical calculations and FEM simulations. Shall we start?

The Copilot for FEM simulations is here

Laptop, der das Frontend der Software Dr.Q zeigt.

Dr. Q is the first virtual computational engineer that combines generative artificial intelligence with modern FEM algorithms. This creates an unprecedented simulation experience that guides the user to the result through dialogue.

With us, companies have the opportunity to make FEM simulations an integral part of their product development by making results quickly and reliably available where they are needed.

The problem with existing FEM software

Technical calculations play a crucial role in the product development process. One possibility for these calculations is simulations using the Finite Element Method (FEM). These enable the prediction of the behavior of components without the need to build physical prototypes.

Despite this, companies in industrial practice often rely on estimates and empirical values instead of precise calculations: Available FEM software is complicated, expensive, and time-consuming.

The Advantages of Dr.Q

Easy Onboarding

Thanks to an AI assistant with an intuitive design

Time Savings

Achieve up to 20 times faster simulations

Reliable Results

Through state-of-the-art algorithms from 5 years of research


Benefit from cloud computing in a SaaS model

Why Dr.Q benefits your company

Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation is a valuable approach that allows product developers to determine already during the design phase whether a component can withstand certain forces and where the material is likely to fail.

Prototype costs are reduced

Product development is accelerated

Product quality is improved

Innovations are promoted



First off: Q from James Bond wasn't the inspiration for the name.

The Q stands for 'Question-based-Physics.' With this, we want to express that the user only needs to know and ask their question, and it's not assumed that they already know the answer. 

To use Dr. Q, simply start a chat where you formulate your specific question. Then, upload your CAD file. Dr. Q will guide you through the necessary preparations for the simulation, automatically create the required simulation script, and visualize the results in no time. This allows you to quickly and efficiently gain insights into the performance and behavior of your design under various conditions.

In the current version, Dr.Q only supports linear Finite Element Methods (FEM) and the analysis of individual components. Nonlinear FEM and the simultaneous processing of multiple components are enhancements that we will introduce soon.

In addition to conducting FEM simulations, Dr. Q can also answer questions in the following areas:

  • Thermodynamics
  • Machine Elements
  • Control Engineering
  • Analytical Statics
  • Analytical Dynamics

Dr.Q utilizes advanced generative AI technology to create the input script for the simulations. This script is written in Python, making it not only transparent but also comprehensible for users. You can easily review, reproduce, and modify the script as needed. The actual computation is performed by our specially developed FEM solver. Through this combination of innovative AI and our efficient solver, we can quickly deliver precise results while ensuring maximum transparency and adaptability for the user.

Dr.Q utilizes its own FEM program, which we have developed from scratch according to the standards of modern software development. For this purpose, we utilize the language Rust, known for its very high security. Our FEM program reflects the current state of research and also includes extensions from our own research.

Join us now and get in from the start!

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